The Los Frailes Recreational Area is located at an altitude of over 900 metres on the south-eastern slopes of the island, at the head of the Güímar Valley, which, according to field research, was formed by a massive landslide into the sea.
The vegetation that covers these hills comprises pine trees mixed with bushes, such as tagasaste (Cytisusproliferus) and a species of rockrose called jaguarzo (Cistus monspeliensis), which provide shelter and food for a multitude of birds, such as chaffinches. There is also a wide variety of invertebrates and insects, including beetles and colourful butterflies.
Vehicle access to this recreational area is via asphalt roads.
- Enjoy the local plant and animal life without disturbing it. Be curious but from a safe and respectful distance.
- Follow the rules and instructions on the signs to avoid disturbance to people and animals.
- Keep the environment clean and leave no litter behind. Rubbish and cigarette butts must be disposed of in the designated containers.
- Travel in small groups to keep noise pollution and the impact on the environment to a minimum.
- Use the water in the toilets and taps responsibly. Water is a scarce and precious commodity on our island.