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Go to plannerThe Montaña Colorada Natural Monument is a group of volcanic edifices that are unique, both in Tenerife and in the rest of the archipelago, due to their complexity and beauty.
Recommended time to visit: All year round.
The structure and morphology of these volcanoes offer us some essential clues as to how this area of the island was formed.
They consist of a main dome (Lomo de Simón and Montaña de Las Coloradas) and three scoria cones (Montaña Rica, Tiones and Las Mesas).
The dome is the result of an eruptive phase during which the lava was very viscous and slow moving, which prevented it from flowing far. This caused the volcano to grow little by little as the lava accumulated, giving the dome its rounded shape.
Here you will find a forest of scattered Canary Island pine with a sparse undergrowth.
The main species that accompany the pine are jara (Cistus symphytifolius), tomillo (Micromeria hyssopifolia), and tagasaste (Cytisus proliferus), while the ravines have a greater variety of species, such as esparraguera (Asparagus arborescens), bejequillo canario (Aeonium spathulatum), cerrajón arbóreo (Sonchus congestus) and cerrajón de monte (Sonchus acaulis).
In the abandoned terraces you will also see cultivated plants, such as almond trees, fig trees and vines, interspersed with vinagrera (Rumex lunaria) and marguerites (Argyranthemum frutescens).
The wildlife found in the area is closely related to the pine forest, comprising both birds and insects with life cycles dependent on the Canary Island pine.
Blue chaffinches, woodpeckers, chaffinches, blue tits, buzzards and sparrowhawks are some of the diurnal birds that can be found flying around the area, while barn owls and long-eared owls are often seen at night.
Among the reptiles you will be able to observe three species: the Tenerife gecko, the Tenerife lizard, and the Tenerife skink.
515.3 ha (0.3% of the island).
Canary Island pine, jara (Cistus symphytifolius), tomillo de monte (Micromeria hyssopifolia), tagasaste (Cytisus proliferus), esparraguera (Asparagus arborescens), bejequillo canario (Aeonium spathulatum), cerrajón arbóreo (Sonchus congestus), cerrajón de monte (Sonchus acaulis), vinagrera (Rumex lunaria), marguerite (Argyranthemum frutescens), blue chaffinch, great spotted woodpecker, chaffinch, blue tit, kestrel, buzzard, sparrowhawk, barn owl, long-eared owl, Tenerife gecko, Tenerife lizard, Tenerife skink.
pine forest.
Lomo de Simón, Montaña de Las Coloradas, Montaña Rica, Tiones, Las Mesas.
To consult permits for use and updated regulations for this Protected Natural Area, visit the official website of the Government of the Canary Islands.
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