Variant of the PR TF 04 (El Bailadero - Taganana) route that starts at the beautiful Amogoje viewpoint, next to the Roque de Amogoje.
The trail starts on the right side of the road, with a steep descent towards the slopes of the El Campanario area.
After you reach the hamlet of Roque Placeres, you will continue along a much gentler slope to the hamlet of Almáciga, overlooking the striking beach that gives it its name.
- Always stay on the marked trail and do not enter private property, hunting grounds, water galleries, wells or caves.
- Pay special attention when crossing or walking along trails used by bicycles, horses or motor vehicles and when walking in ravines with water courses.
- Avoid direct encounters with potentially dangerous animals, such as livestock, beehives, and dogs.
- Proceed with caution and watch for obstacles, loose rocks, uneven terrain or steep slopes to avoid accidents and falls.
- Check out our guide to hiking in Tenerife and, if necessary, contact the emergency services by calling 112.