This is a branch of the PR TF 41 (Route 0-4-0) trail that links El Cabezón mountain with El Portillo del Teide along a pleasant walk with views.
It runs along the Teide National Park trail PNT 01 (La Fortaleza) for most of the way, ending at El Portillo Alto.
Start on the left side of El Cabezón mountain, at 2172 m above sea level, and cross part of Cañada de Los Guancheros through Teide white broom or retama (Spartocytisus supranubius) and Teide sticky broom or codeso (Adenocarpus viscosus) in the direction of an area of Canary Island pine forest. The Teide will always be visible on the route, making it the centrepiece of the day’s walk.
The path continues to the area known as El Portillo Alto, passing very close to Roque del Peral before you reach your destination.
- Always stay on the marked trail and do not enter private property, hunting grounds, water galleries, wells or caves.
- Pay special attention when crossing or walking along trails used by bicycles, horses or motor vehicles and when walking in ravines with water courses.
- Avoid direct encounters with potentially dangerous animals, such as livestock, beehives, and dogs.
- Proceed with caution and watch for obstacles, loose rocks, uneven terrain or steep slopes to avoid accidents and falls.
- Check out our guide to hiking in Tenerife and, if necessary, contact the emergency services by calling 112.
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