Lifting of Preventive Measures by the Cabildo Insular of Tenerife Due to Improved Weather Conditions
Deactivation of the Tenerife Insular Emergency Plan (PEIN) and Access Restrictions to the Mountain Areas (December 16, 2024).

Following the improvement in weather conditions and updated forecasts from the Spanish Meteorological Agency (AEMET), as well as the end of the Wind Alert declared by the Canary Islands General Directorate of Emergencies under the Canary Islands Specific Civil Protection and Emergency Response Plan for Adverse Weather Events (PEFMA), the Cabildo Insular of Tenerife announces:
- Activities may now resume in open itineraries, recreational areas, and camping zones.
- Previously closed trails (as per the Resolution of December 14, 2024) are now reopened: trails PNT 07, PNT 10, PNT 11, PNT 12, PNT 23, and PNT 28.
Specific Requirements:
For trail PNT 10 (Telesforo Bravo), a permit is required, which must be obtained through the National Parks Reservation System. (
To access trails PNT 07: Montaña Blanca-Pico Teide, PNT 09: Teide - Pico Viejo – Mirador de las Narices del Teide, PNT 23: Regatones Negros, and PNT 28: Chafarí, a prior reservation is required, which can be made through the Tenerife ON platform.-
Resolution on the Reopening of Teide Trails.. (images/Noticias/Resolucion_RETIRADA_DE_MEDIDAS_PREVENTIVAS_POR_VIENTO_ESTRATOVOLCAN_TEIDE_16_de_DICIEMBRE_de_2024_APERTURA_POR_FIN_DE_ALERTA.pdf)