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Go to plannerThis protected landscape contains cultural and aesthetic features that are typical of northern Tenerife.
Recommended time to visit: All year-round.
The area is carved up by deep ravines such as the Barranco de Ruiz, has coastal cliffs measuring 500m high, for instance those at El Terrero, and features paleo sea-cliffs that have been brought inland as successive eruptions continued to claim more territory from the sea.
This protected area holds great ecological value among the Canary Islands’ ecosystems, as it is home to significant populations of endangered flora and fauna.
Nevertheless, agricultural land does encompass a large part of the area. Even though many crops have now been abandoned, it is still possible to see potatoes, wheat and fruit planted here, contributing to the cultural value of this landscape, that is representative of northern Tenerife.
Most of the land is occupied by terraces of scattered tree heath (Erica arborea).
In cliffs and along ravine walls, with a steeper incline and less available soil, rock-dwelling plants are more common, the most endangered of which is the cabezón de Webb (Cheirolophus webbianus).
Cardonal-tabaibal appears when the slope evens out, at lower altitudes. At higher altitudes, species indicative of the ancient thermophile forest begin to appear, such as the Phoenician juniper (Juniperus phoenicea) and wild olive tree (Olea oleaster).
Further up, at 600m, and particularly around the Barranco de Ruiz, monteverde gains ground with species such as laurel (Laurus novocanariensis), palo blanco (Picconia excelsa), madroño (Arbutus canariensis) and barbusano (Apollonias barbujana), alongside others such as alhelí (Erysimum scoparium) and cresta de gallo (Isoplexis canariensis). Meanwhile, canary willows (Salix canariensis) spread out along the watercourse.
Finally, stands of Canary Island and Monterey pine are widespread in higher sections of the landscape.
The most important vertebrate species, which in part justify the creation of this protected area, are Bolle’s pigeon and the laurel pigeon. It should be no surprise therefore that this is a Special Protection Area for Birds (SPA), governed by European regulations.
Other species that inhabit this area include small birds such as the canary, Eurasian blue tit, Eurasian blackcap, grey wagtail, common chaffinch, and robin, while in ravine walls kestrels and buzzards build their nests.
The Scopoli's shearwater breeds in the cliffs, where each pair occupies a hole or cavity in the rock, and incubates their only egg of the year.
691.2 hectares (0.3% of the island)
Tree heath (Erica arborea), cabezón de Webb (Cheirolophus webbianus), cardón (Euphorbia canariensis), Phoenician juniper (Juniperus phoenicea), wild olive tree (Olea oleaster), laurel (Laurus novocanariensis), palo blanco (Picconia excelsa), madroño (Arbutus canariensis), barbusano (Apollonias barbujana), alhelí (Erysimum scoparium), cresta de gallo (Isoplexis canariensis), Canary willow (Salix canariensis), Bolle’s pigeon, laurel pigeon, canary, Eurasian blue tit, grey wagtail, common chaffinch, robin, kestrel, buzzard, Scopoli's shearwater.
Ravines, cliffs, cardonal-tabaibal, thermophile, monteverde, agricultural.
Barranco de Ruiz, Icod El Alto, Los Campeches.
To consult permits for use and updated regulations for this Protected Natural Area, visit the official website of the Government of the Canary Islands.
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